
is a friend group of sane* developers, mathematicians, artists and overall queer furries.

This domain (and associated server) is used for hosting various friend cloud services. Among those services is:

  • Nextcloud
  • Gitea
  • Nitter
  • Alongside those, we also host some miscellaneous pages and services:

  • Videos of all time
  • yugoslavia.best
  • Personal sites of
    members: oat.zone, aether.gay, mayf.pink, wint0r.zone
  • And occasionally, we fork or develop software:

  • 1.19.2 Minecraft modpack
  • NixOS system configuration
  • We've also held a talk on the BlanketCon modded convention:

    But who are we, really?

    We consist of 16 people, give or take:

    Why not reach out?

    Tell us feedback about our services! Tell us suggestions, issues, or just tell us about your day. We'll be sure to communally decide how to reply with the most informative, funniest or otherwise best response possible.

    Currently, you'll just have to use Jill's email, which would be oat at [its domain] (be sure to include "firepit" somewhere in the subject line). However, in the future we're looking to get more contact options. Don't expect any requests to join the group to be taken seriously.